U.S. Food and Agriculture Dialogue for Trade
On Thursday, May 11 NAEGA President and CEO Gary Martin and Director of Operations Ryan Olson participated in a meeting of the U.S. Food and Agriculture Dialogue for Trade and a meeting of the Dialogue’s High-Level Steering Group. NAEGA, Co-Chairs the Dialogue, its High-Level Steering Group and its Implementing Team. An organization chart for the Dialogue can be found here.
The May 11 off the record and closed door meeting of the Dialogue High-Level Steering Group to discuss Dialogue communications and structure, including targeted education on the benefits of trade to the food and agribusiness sector.
Following the meeting, of the High-Level Steering Group, broader dialogue participants heard remarks from representatives of the Chinese and New Zealand Embassies, the U.S. Trade Representative and the Asia Society Policy Institute. Topics discussed included the U.S.-China 100 Day Plan, the future of trade in the Asia-Pacific, and potential NAFTA renegotiations.