
Vietnam Fumigation

NAEGA is currently working closely with industry and government stakeholders regarding fumigation of wheat and corn cargoes of U.S. origin. For shipments with bills of lading dates of December 1 or later, Vietnam has begun requiring methyl bromide fumigation for all shipments. In addition, shipments of DDGs with bills of lading dated December 17 or later are currently suspended. This week, an U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service team is in Vietnam meeting with representatives of Vietnamese Plant Protection and Quarantine. Currently, APHIS is considering a proposing to Vietnam PPQ Aluminum Phosphide fumigation for bulk vessels as an alternative to methyl bromide. Alternatives for containerized shipments are still challenging, as container make poor fumigation chambers where it is difficult to retain the proper level of fumigation to kill insects. More information on APHIS’s trip and developments will be available soon.

NAEGA Board of Directors Meeting

On Tuesday, January 31 NAEGA’s Board of Directors held a successful meeting in Miami, Florida. During the meeting, which was chaired by Board Chairman Steve Smalley, board members reviewed a preliminary 2017 budget and dues schedule, discussed the upcoming expiration of board terms, and were briefed on developments surrounding the U.S. government transition and new administration.

The board also moved to fill two unexpired board seats. Amer Badawi of Columbia Grain will serve Ron Williams’ remaining term and Carsten Bredin of Richardson International will fill the remainder of Terry James’ unexpired term. A copy of the meeting minutes will soon be available.

Decree 177

Over the last few months NAEGA has been working closely with industry and government stakeholders to address U.S. industry compliance with export facility registration requirements under China’s Decree 177. In December, NAEGA contracted Juhui Huang to study the registration requirements and make recommendations for achieving compliance. That report is now available. Click here to read Juhui’s report.

India Trade Barriers

NAEGA is currently beginning preparations for its Grain and Oilseed Market Access Index (GOMAI) report. GOMAI is an occasional report developed by NAEGA and other grain and oilseed industry associations that measures U.S. exporters market access in a select number of countries throughout the world. In preparation for this report, NAEGA retained contractor Patrick Hayden to analyze and report on Indian market access for U.S. grains and oilseeds. A copy of Patrick’s report can be found here. Patrick’s report will contribute to analysis in the GOMAI report and help NAEGA and membership better understand market access challenges in the Indian market.

India Working Visit

On January 30-February 4 IGTC Secretariat Katy Lee and NAEGA contract representative Patrick Hayden traveled to New Delhi, India to meet with local government and industry stakeholders and attend the Global Grain, Food and Feed conference. A copy of Katy and Patrick’s meeting schedule can be found here.
Following meetings in New Delhi, Katy will continue on to Mumbai from February 6-15 to conduct a working visit with IGTC members the Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA) and the Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEA). During all meetings in India Katy and Patrick will discuss IGTC policy files and priorities.  A trip report for this travel will be available once it is completed.

Jones Act Proposed Revocations and Modifications Comments

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is seeking comment on proposed modification and revocation of headquarters’ ruling letters (HQ) relating to the application of the coastwise laws to certain merchandise and vessel equipment that are transported between coastwise points. CBP is planning to update HQ 101925 to bring it more closely in line with new U.S. law passed following the letter. A copy of the request for comments can be found here and in the February 8, 2017 edition of the Customs Bulletin. Comments are due on April 18, 2017. Please contact Gary or Ryan if you would like to provide input. 

House Testimony on Transportation Infrastructure

On Wednesday, February 1, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held a Full Committee hearing to receive testimony concerning the challenges facing our Nation’s current transportation infrastructure and hear visions for a modern, 21st century transportation infrastructure. Witnesses including executives from FedEx, Cargill, BMW, Vermeer, and AFL-CIO, discussed importance that infrastructure plays in promoting national competitiveness and job creation. You can watch the full Committee hearing and read the testimony on the House Transportation website here.

Philippine Biotech Approval

Monsanto has informed NAEGA that soybean DTxRR2Y (MON 87708 x MON 89788) has received biosafety permit approval for direct use as food, feed or for processing in the Philippines. The permit is valid through January 31, 2022 and is coded 17-001FFP. This is the first GM product approved for use in the Philippines under the country’s new regulatory guidelines. More details can be found on