Vietnam Methyl Bromide Fumigation

Vietnam Methyl Bromide Fumigation

The U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has announced that, beginning immediately, Vietnam’s Plant Protection Department (PPD) will require methyl bromide fumigation for all shipments of wheat, corn and DDGs to Vietnam. In addition, efforts led by APHIS, NAEGA and industry stakeholders to prevent a pending suspension has stalled, and PPD continues to indicate that it will suspend imports of DDGs with a bills of lading dates December 17, 2016 and later. November 25, 2016 APHIS formally requested a meeting with PPD, and they replied that the second week in January was the earliest they could meet to discuss these topics.  In the interim, APHIS requested in December 1, 2016 letter that Vietnam withdraw its methyl bromide requirement and pending suspension of DDGs.  The letter describes the results of APHIS investigation in response to PPD reports of live pest detections.  It also recommends remedial action alternatives to methyl bromide and DDG suspension, to take place upon Vietnam’s acceptance.


A copy of the letter from APHIS to PPD can be found here. For more information please contact Gary or Ryan.