With the release of the revised NAEGA 2 contract on March 30, NAEGA has conducted several educational seminars to communicate these revisions and educate on the contract and industry best practices. Our next seminar is:
- October 15 in Portland, OR. – REGISTER NOW
NAEGA seminars are an intensive and informative review of commercial and official practices taught in an interactive environment. The goal of each seminar is to improve predictability, reduce risks, resolve trade barriers and facilitate profitable trade. A general agenda includes:
- Open dialogue on current contracting practices as they relate to trade risks
- A “Road Map” of the NAEGA II Model Contract
- Review of the 2018 revisions to the NAEGA II Model Contract
- Perspectives on the global contracting environment in GAFTA, FOSFA and other contract models and practices
- Case study exercises on:
- Calculating laytime, dispatch and demurrage.
- Contract terms.
- Arbitration and other alternatives for dispute resolution.
In addition to the public seminars listed above, NAEGA also conducts company specific private seminars. Please contact Ryan if you are interested in hosting a private, tailored seminar at your office. Click here for more information on the in-depth, interactive programs NAEGA conducts!