On Friday, June 28, NAEGA sent its 2020 Unified Export Strategy (UES) application to the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). The UES sets the framework under which NAEGA will administer its Market Access Program funding in the 2020 program year. The 2020 UES highlights planned initiatives and past success and serves as a blueprint for activities NAEGA intends to engage in over the next year, including efforts to promote the electronic exchange of commercial and official trade documents and efforts to address market access barriers through ongoing trade negotiations. This year’s UES includes a funding request for deploying and maintaining the Plant Biotechnology Information Exchange (PBIE).
FAS anticipates that the initial funding selections will be made by the end of October and the initial award dates estimated to be by the end of December 2019. A copy of the 2020 UES can be found on the NAEGA web site. For more information, please contact Patrick at phayden@naega.org.