Russia’s Implementation of its WTO Commitments

Russia’s Implementation of its WTO Commitments

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is seeking comments from interested persons as it prepares its annual report to Congress on Russia’s compliance with its World Trade Organization (WTO) accession commitments. The Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) will also convene a public hearing to assist the USTR in its preparation of this report.


In particular, USTR is seeking comments on commitments in the following areas:

  1. Import regulation (e.g., tariffs, tariffrate quotas, quotas, import licenses).
  2. Export regulation.
  3. Subsidies.
  4. Standards and technical regulations.
  5. Sanitary and phytosanitary measures.
  6. Trade-related investment measures (including local content requirements).
  7. Taxes and charges levied on imports and exports.
  8. Other internal policies affecting trade.
  9. Intellectual property rights (including intellectual property rights enforcement).
  10. Government procurement.
  11. Rule of law issues (e.g., transparency, judicial review, uniform administration of laws and regulations).
  12. Other WTO commitments.


The official notice in the Federal Register can be found here and additional information here.

Comments should be submitted by September 25, 2018. The public hearing will take place on October 4.