NAPPO RSPM 9 Expert Group Nominations – Due November 17

NAPPO RSPM 9 Expert Group Nominations – Due November 17

NAEGA members are invited to submit recommendations for individuals to serve on the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) new expert group! This group, pursuant to NAPPO’s 2018 workplan, will help revise the Regional Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (RPM) 9: Authorization of Laboratories for Phytosanitary Testing. Canada, the U.S., and Mexico will all nominate experts to serve, with one or two key industry experts from each country to be selected. NAEGA is hoping to recommend one or more persons to serve on the export group that has a strong understanding of the grain trade and phytosanitary testing. Nominations are due by November 17, 2017.

Please see a project description here.