Interested NAEGA members are invited to two meetings related to industry and U.S. government response to Peru’s countervailing duty investigation into U.S. origin corn. On August 7 at 11:00am NAEGA will host a pre-meeting and lunch at its offices in Arlington, VA. During the pre-meeting NAEGA members are invited to discuss an industry response to the CVD investigation and coordination with the U.S. government.
Following the pre-meeting interested members are also invited to attend an inter-agency meeting hosted by the U.S. Trade Representative to discuss the U.S. government’s response to the investigation. This meeting will take place on 1:30pm on August 7 at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) in Washington, D.C.
If you are interested in participating in either meeting please contact Ryan or Gary. If you or another representative from your company would like to attend, please notify Gary or Ryan by close of business tomorrow (August 2).