The Department of State will be holding a public meeting on Friday, September 14 to prepare for the fifth session of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Subcommittee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 5) to be held at the IMO headquarters in London, UK, on September 24-28. Agenda items include discussions of the alleged inadequacy of port reception facilities, measures to harmonize port state control activities and procedures worldwide, and safety issues identified from the analysis of marine safety investigation reports.
The official notice in the Federal Register can be found here and additional information here.
Interested persons may attend the meeting in person or participate via teleconference. If you would like to attend, contact Mr. Christopher Gagnon by email at or by phone at (202) 372-1231. Those wanting to physically attend the meeting must respond to Mr. Gagnon no later than September 5, 2018.