IMO CCC Trip Report

IMO CCC Trip Report

To accomplish the NAEGA UES objectives of continued engagement and monitoring of international efforts related to the regulation of the bulk grain trade by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), NAEGA Senior Advisor Jerry Cotter traveled to London, UK on August 30-September 10 to attend a meeting of the IMO’s Subcommittee on the Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC). A trip report for this travel is now available. During this mission Jerry accomplished multiple goals, including:

  • Attendance and NAEGA representation at the Dry Bulk Terminals Group (DBTG) Executive Committee meeting. NAEGA is a member of the DBTG and Jerry sits on the committee as the NAEGA representative.
  • Attendance and NAEGA representation at the IMO CCC’s Subcommittee meeting.
  • Briefing for Katy Lee, Acting Secretariat of the International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) on IMO issues.

A copy of the trip report can be found here. For more information, please contact Gary or Ryan.