NAEGA staff and several member company representatives are working in coordination with Katy Lee, IGTC Secretariat and NAEGA contractor to implement IGTC’s recently revised 2019 business plan.
Upcoming nearby IGTC actions include:
January 30 in Geneva: The IGTC Working Group on Electronic Documentation is supporting Katy as she continues her leadership role with the International Plant Protection Convention e-Phyto Solution. As part of these efforts, Katy will participate in IPPC ePhyto Industry Advisory Group (IAG) meeting in Geneva on January 25. IAG is a voluntarily group of private sector stakeholders working to advise the IPPC Secretariat on the feasibility of the ePhyto solution project and its ability to facilitate efficient and effective trade flows. IGTC chairs the IAG.
March 6-7 in London: Katy will act as a panelist at the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) Production & International Trade Conference, which this year is focused on “Trade tensions on the rise - A look at the potential impacts on agri-food and fertilizer trade.”
March 10-12 in Brussels: at the invitation of IGTC member COCREAL, IGTC will conduct meetings with the European Commission Directorates General for trade, health and food safety, and agriculture; EU Member State representatives; European Parliament committee staff; and Third country representatives in Brussels engaged in plant breeding innovation issues. The standing agenda for these meetings will include assessment of alternative outcomes and implementation of ECJ Opinion; agri-trade issues related to gene editing (e.g. Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, Low Level Presence); opportunities for IGTC members and Corporate Stakeholders to ask specific questions about impacts of EU rules; and communication of trade-positive messaging already agreed in IGTC policy. An Internal IGTC Policy Team meeting at COCERAL Headquarters is planned for March 12 to debrief from 11 March meetings; discuss IGTC policy and advocacy strategy on plant breeding innovation; and conduct a Round Table to review how new innovations are currently impacting the grain supply chain.
March 13 in Geneva: The IGTC will complete administrative and governance actions related to the transitioning IGTC from NAEGA underwriting including the establishment of financial accounts and controls.
March 14 in London: IGTC will report to and participate in Market Conditions Committee (MCC) meeting of the International Grains Council (IGC). Over the past few years, the IGTC has been deepening its working relationship with the IGC and, in December, signed a memorandum of understanding with the IGC to encourage further collaboration to promote and facilitate the international trade of grains, oilseeds and other agri-bulks.
Multiple additional IGTC actions and events are scheduled through June 2019. If you are your company would like to directly participate in IGTC please contact Gary.