On Tuesday, August 2 NAEGA hosted a meeting of the Decree 177 Working Group. Following NAEGA encouragement USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has agreed to lead the working group which is seeking to provide messaging, broad based coordination and response to AQSIQ to address Decree 177. NAEGA is also working to share information on Decree 177 with colleagues in Argentina, Australia, Brazil and Canada.
NAEGA is in the process of articulation of objectives for industry and multilateral response to ASQIQ’s requirements under Decree 177. According to NAEGA, any response to China should:
Preserve and enhance the competitiveness and provide for a global supply response.
- Exclusively address actions to manage legitimate health and safety risks, thereby allowing for other product parameters to be addressed by appropriate party. For example: commercial parties address logistics including quality
- Strive to improve the relationships with AQSIQ and Chinese buyers.
- Provide for a response that is consistent with best commercial practices.
- Support the responsiveness, resilience and responsibility to the supply chain.
- Prevent the extension of liability or financial guarantees for compliance with Chinese law to exporters.
- Provide for prompt, transparent official action that preserves adequate fungibility of supply and does not include imposition of unjust or unnecessary measures that restrict grain trade.
- The use of sound and best available science for risk assessment, identification and management and mitigation
NAEGA will continue to keep membership up to date as more information becomes available. Please contact Gary or Ryan if you have any questions.