On January 10-13 NAEGA Senior Advisor Jerry Cotter traveled to Gijon, Spain to participate in a meeting of the Dry Bulk Terminals Group (DBTG) Executive Committee meeting on January 11. Through his position on the DBTG Executive Committee, Mr. Cotter acts to lead and contribute his significant expertise on the international measures related to GRNOS cargoes labeling and handling and global industry efforts to monitor and engage in several critical aspects related to transportation. Over the past year, Mr. Cotter has been working closely with the International Bulk Terminals Association (IBTA), the sister organization of the DBTG, to address and inform on the activities of the GHS and IMO Committee on the Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC). Both bodies are addressing explosive dust cargoes and relevant shipment materials designations and management.
A copy of the notice to post for this travel is available here. A trip report for this mission will soon be available.