Biotech Approvals – Philippines Caution

Biotech Approvals – Philippines Caution

As we understand the current status of biotech trait approvals needed for import in the Philippines, several GMO traits that may be found in U.S. supplies lack needed regulatory acceptance, they include:

New approval pending:
Soybean - MON 87708 X MON 89788 - RR2Xtend stack
Corn – Syngenta 5307 – Duracade which is in several stacks

Renewed Approval needed:
Soybean - A5547-127 – Bayer Liberty Link
Corn - MON 89034 x NK603 (PowerCore / Smart Stax) )
Corn - Mon 88017 - (YieldGuard VT Rootworm)
Corn - Mon 88017 x Mon810 (YieldGuard VT Triple)
Corn - Bt11 x corn DAS59122 x corn MIR604 x corn TC1507 x Corn GA21 (Agrisure Viptera )

In light of this apparent lack of approvals NAEGA is closely coordinating with U.S. government and several industry partners to pursue prompt action to insure acceptability of imported grain, oilseed and products like soybean meal. Approval of GE events in the Philippines had been put on hold after the Philippines Supreme Court ruled in December 2015 that current regulations did not sufficiently cover minimum requirements of the National Biosafety Framework. As a result, the court ordered the Department of Agriculture and other bodies to rewrite current regulations. The Philippine Department of Agriculture was acting to implement new regulations, known as Joint Department Circular No. 1 (JDC) to replace existing regulations nullified by the Supreme Court ruling. Publication of a Joint Department Circular (JDC) was completed in March, but its implementation seems to have been stalled as the Philippines Supreme Court recently announced a reversal in part of its December 2015 ruling. We expect more information to be available soon and are working to provide for conditions that will prevent the frustration of shipments that may result from the uncertainty

Background documents can be found on the NAEGA website at

NAEGA will continue to keep members informed as this complicated events continues to unfold. Please contact Gary or Ryan if you have any questions.