IGTC 2019 Business Plan
The Management Council of the International Grain Trade Coalition (www.igtcglobal.org) has set forth a new 2019 Business Plan. Importantly, the window for Corporate Stakeholder one-time investments to secure a perpetual governance role in IGTC and provide for a funding bridge to a permanent self-sustaining IGTC will close at the end of 2018. Corporate Stakeholders are for-profit entities who have made a onetime investment in IGTC so that it can proceed to operate from the annual dues paid by the non-profit trade associations and councils that are IGTC members. The IGTC continues to seek new Corporate Stakeholders -time is running out to secure your spot! Interested companies can contact IGTC secretariat Katy Lee or Gary who serves at IGTC President. If you would like a copy of the business plan please contact Gary.