World Bank Agriculture Trade Survey
The World Bank Group’s Enabling the Business of Agriculture project is inviting NAEGA members to contribute their knowledge and expertise to the Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2019 report. The report will analyze and monitor regulations that impact how markets function in the agriculture and agribusiness sectors in 82 countries around the world. More information on EBA, including its latest report covering 62 countries can be found here: Among others, EBA data can be a useful tool when advocating for regulatory reforms to enable market access in your countries.
The EBA team is looking for trade associations, agribusinesses, agri-cooperatives and other associations in your country to share their knowledge by completing a set of questions on the regulatory challenges they face when exporting agricultural products. These questions can be found in Section 5 of this survey.
Data collected through these surveys will be presented in the EBA’s 2019 report and, if you choose to contribute, you will be acknowledged in the report and on their website, subject to your consent. The EBA team will also send you a World Bank certificate of participation and a complimentary copy of the report. Individual responses are kept strictly confidential and are not shared with anyone inside or outside the World Bank.