
IGTC Newsletter

The latest IGTC newsletter is now available! This week’s newsletter includes upcoming events on plant breeding innovation, risks in the food and production supply chain, and the Global Low Level Presence Initiative (GLI). This week’s communication also includes IGTC Policy Team member Ricardo Calderon’s report on the Mexican Seeds Association (AMSAC) PBI seminar last month. Read the newsletter to learn about the new CBD study on digital sequencing of genomes and to take advantage of the IGTC discount when you book tickets for the annual GAFTA dinner coming up in June.


For more details, read the IGTC Newsletter here or visit the IGTC website at

High Level Dialogue for Integration in the Asia-Pacific

NAEGA President and CEO Gary Martin reported on the High-Level Dialogue on Integration Initiatives in the Asia-Pacific Region on March 12-17. In Chile, Gary represented NAEGA in the dialogue hosted by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, continuing NAEGA’s leadership role in the industry on the future of trade in the Asia-Pacific region.


Gary’s trip report can be accessed here. You can read the Joint Statement by TPP Partners here.

Comments to Trump Admistration on Significant Trade Deficits report.

On May 11, 2017 NAEGA and the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Trade Representative regarding the Omnibus Report on Significant Trade Deficits for the President in response to Executive Order 13786. In the comments NAEGA and NGFA provides a specific analysis of U.S. grain, oilseed and feed trade and highlights the continued and significant positive contribution that the U.S. grain and oilseed industry has on the U.S. balance of trade.  Ultimately, we seek collaboration with the U.S. Administration focused on:

  • Maintaining and expanding market access, tariff concessions and other provisions that have enabled economic integration.
  • Improving regulatory coherence and cooperation by implementing enhanced science-based sanitary and phytosanitary rules, such as a rapid-response mechanism that commits trading partners to swiftly notify and resolve such issues, thereby averting costly demurrage and trade inefficiencies associated with U.S. agricultural exports being held at customs in importing countries.
  • Strengthening efforts to address technical barriers to trade to prevent non-tariff barriers that lack scientific merit.
  • Increasing transparency and cooperation on activities related to modern agricultural production technologies, including seed-breeding innovations.
  • Aligning standards, including product and ingredient registration, fortification and certification requirements.
  • Enabling innovation of information technologies to improve logistics and regulatory implementation.


A copy of the comments can be found here.

ISF and IGC Meetings

Gary Martin, President and CEO of NAEGA and the IGTC, Marcel Bruins, NAEGA/IGTC Science Advisor and Katy Lee, IGTC Secretariat have reported on recent travel to Zurich, Switzerland and London, UK on March 5-7 for meeting with the International Grains Council (IGC) and the International Seed Federation (ISF). Gary, Marcel, and Katy participated in the International Seed Federation (ISF) Plant Breeding Innovation Working Group meeting in Zurich before Gary and Katy flew to London for a day of meetings with the IGC and GAFTA. Both ISF and the IGC prioritized Gary’s visit in their respective meeting agendas.


The trip report for this mission is now available.

Argentina Working Visit

IGTC Secretariat Katy Lee is back from her most recent IGTC working visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 12-26. A trip report for her working visit is now available.  In Buenos Aires Katy conducted a working visit with CIARA-CEC and its members along with IGTC corporate stakeholder as a part of IGTC’s Global Outreach Program. Katy used the visit to discuss and collect feedback on new IGTC policy files, working groups and upcoming priorities. While in Buenos Aires, Katy also coordinated the representation of the IGTC at the government-led workshop on LLP Safety Assessment on 14-15 March, with 12 countries present.

Rationalizing Grain and Oilseed Trade Across the US-Canada Border Report

A report on existing Canadian grain-related policies regarding management of small grains and oilseeds by the Canadian Government has been made public. The report discusses government policies affect on Canadian marine grain exports. Policies examined include wheat grades, Canadian grain rail policies, government ownership of grain rail cars, and asynchronous phytosanitary agreements.


A copy of the report can be viewed here.

U. S. Foreign Food Supplier Verification Program

New Import requirements under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Foreign Food Supplier Verification program (FSVP) will begin taking effect on May 30. Importers of food for humans or animals, with some exceptions, are required  to verify that (a) their foreign suppliers use processes and procedures that provide the same level of public health protection as the U.S. preventive controls and produce safety regulations, where applicable; and (b) the food they import is not adulterated and not misbranded with respect to food allergen labeling. The dates by which FSVP importers must comply with the FSVP rule differ based the nature of the importer, the size of the foreign supplier, and whether the supplier must meet the requirements of the FDA’s final rules on preventive controls for human or animal food or produce safety.


More information about compliance with the FSVP can be found here.

ISF World Seed Congress

IGTC Secretariat Katy Lee will travel to Budapest, Hungary on May 21-22 to attend the International Seed Federations (ISF) World Seed Congress. During the Congress Katy will participate in the ISF’s Plant Breeding Innovation Working Group meeting on May 21 and the Breeders Committee open meeting on May 22. A copy of the World Seed Congress’s program can be found here.