
Contracts and Best Practices Seminars

With the release of the revised NAEGA 2 contract on March 30 NAEGA is planning for educational seminars to communicate the revisions and educate on the contract and industry best practices. Last year, NAEGA held three North American and one international seminar. As we move into the Spring and Summer we are seeking your assistance in identifying locations for this year’s seminars! Let us know where we should hold 2018 Seminars and what topics you would like us to cover. NAEGA also conducts company specific private seminars.  Please let us know if you are interested attending or hosting a NAEGA seminar.  Click here for more information the in-depth, interactive programs NAEGA conducts!

Clause 20 Certification Process Underway

NAEGA received, and has begun the process to respond to, a request from one seller for Certification of Cause related to rail transportation impediments during February 2017. 


Gary is back from Beijing where he met with China’s AQSIQ to address U.S. compliance with Decree 177. Meetings with AQSIQ were successful in gaining acceptance of the existing U.S. list of exporting firms and progress on development of further clarification of compliance needs.

During the week, Gary also met with and established an understanding with The China Group Companies Association (CGCA, intended to provide for joint work to improve utilization of information systems to facilitate trade and regulatory compliance.  As a result, NAEGA has taken under consideration and will be reporting on the work of a CGCA sponsored think tank: International Institute for the Development of Multinational Institutions (

Gary’s trip report will soon be available. Please contact Gary if you would like to discuss.

IGTC Newsletter

The latest IGTC newsletter is now available! This week’s newsletter contains details of IGTC Secretariat Katy Lee’s two-week travel to the East Africa Grain Council, IGTC’s Global Webinars on Plant Breeding Innovation, and a call for feedback on the IGTC MRL Work Plan. Also highlighted are upcoming events including the June 5 and 6 IGTC strategy session and meetings in London as well as the June 14-15 Global Low Level Presence Initiative (GLI) meeting in Rome.

For more details, read the IGTC Newsletter here or visit the IGTC website at

World Food Prize Support

On Monday, NAEGA President and CEO Gary Martin, who also serves as President of the International Grain Trade Coalition, addressed an open letter to the World Food Prize Foundation Selection Committee expressing his support for the nomination for the World Food Prize of Victor Villalobos, Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA). Mr. Martin expressed his fullhearted endorsement of Mr. Villalobos, highlighting his lifelong contributions to feeding the world and inspirational leadership in the agricultural industry.

The full letter to the World Food Prize Foundation Selection Committee is available here.

GIPSA Comments on Delegated States

This week NAEGA and NGFA authored two letters to the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) regarding GIPSAs intent to certify Alabama and South Carolina Delegated Official Agencies. The letters express no objection to the certification of the states of Alabama and South Carolina for official inspection, and welcome the increased transparency regarding notice and comment on delegation being implemented under the reauthorization of the U.S. Grain Standards Act.  

Comments submitted to GIPSA by NAEGA and NGFA for South Carolina and Alabama can be found here and here.

Comments on Significant Trade Deficit Countries

The U.S. Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) are requesting public comments regarding significant U.S. trade deficits. Pursuant to Executive Order 13786, Commerce and USTR are preparing to submit to the President an Omnibus Report on Significant Trade Deficits. In preparation for this report, the Secretary of Commerce will hold a public hearing on May 18, 2017 at 9:30am Eastern. The deadline for submitting comments to this hearing regarding significant trade deficits is Wednesday, May 10.

A copy of the call for public comment can be found here. Please let NAEGA know if you would like to participate in this comment period.

ICTSD Paper on Negotiating Global Rules on Agricultural Domestic Support

This week the International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development published “Negotiating Global Rules on Agricultural Domestic Support: Options for the World Trade Organization’s Buenos Aires Ministerial Conference.” The paper looks to ideas presented at the WTO to evaluate potential methods for negotiating agricultural support, focusing on products of particular importance to low-income countries. It includes analysis of implications of several different methods for countries’ actual support levels, taking into account the maximum WTO permitted ceilings.

The paper is available for download here on the ICTSD website.