
DBTG Operational and Technical Seminar

On March 26-31 NAEGA Senior Advisor Jerry Cotter and Director of Operations Ryan Olson travelled to Gijon and Santander, Spain to attend the Dry Bulk Terminal Group’s (DBTG) Spring Operational and Technical Seminar and Executive Committee (ExComm) Meeting. As part of the meetings in Gijon, Jerry and Ryan toured the Tasa Group’s Grain Terminal and met with local industry representatives. In Santander, during the main Seminar sessions, programming covered operational and safety issues, including the soon to be implemented Ballast Water Management Convention. Following the Seminar, meetings of the ExCom covered the upcoming Winter Operational and Technical Seminar in Uruguay and DBTG finances, management and programs.

A trip report for this MAP travel will be available soon.

DBTG Operational and Technical Seminar

On March 26-31 NAEGA Senior Advisor Jerry Cotter and Director of Operations Ryan Olson travelled to Gijon and Santander, Spain to attend the Dry Bulk Terminal Group’s (DBTG) Spring Operational and Technical Seminar and Executive Committee (ExComm) Meeting. As part of the meetings in Gijon, Jerry and Ryan toured the Tasa Group’s Grain Terminal and met with local industry representatives. In Santander, during the main Seminar sessions, programming covered operational and safety issues, including the soon to be implemented Ballast Water Management Convention. Following the Seminar, meetings of the ExCom covered the upcoming Winter Operational and Technical Seminar in Uruguay and DBTG finances, management and programs.

A trip report for this MAP travel will be available soon.

U.S. Food and Ag Dialogue for Trade

On Thursday, March 30 the U.S. Food and Ag Dialogue for Trade, which NAEGA holds a leadership position in, met at Arent Fox, LLP in Washington, DC. The U.S. Food and Ag Dialogue is an off-the-record, open forum for discussing trade issues that affect the U.S. food and agribusiness industry. During the meeting, Dialogue participants were briefed on the Trump Administration’s trade priorities by Ray Starling, Special Assistant to the President for Agriculture, Trade and Food Assistance at the National Economic Council. In addition, participants heard form Bruce Hirsh, immediate past Assistant USTR for Japan and Hiroaki Kojima, Counselor, Embassy of Japan. Please contact Gary for more information.

IGTC Newsletter

The March IGTC Newsletter is now available! Read reports of recent IGTC activity around the world, including a report on Low Level Presence from meetings in Argentina and member outreach to CIARA-CEC in Buenos Aires. This addition also includes a call for participation in the IGTC’s MRL Policy Team. Check it out here!

Consultation on Draft Plant and Animal Health Strategy for Canada

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Draft Plant and Animal Health Strategy for Canada is now available for consultation. The goal of the Strategy is to ensure the protection of human health and the environment through animal and plant health. The Strategy was developed collaboratively by government, industry and other partners in plant and animal health, and builds on the feedback gathered during online discussion and at the National Plant and Animal Health Planning Forum. A copy of the draft strategy can be found here.

CFIA will conduct consultation on the strategy until April 30, 2017. Please contact if you have any questions about the consultation.

Trade Executive Orders

On Friday. March 31, President Trump signed two executive orders on U.S. trade policy. The orders direct executive agencies to take immediate action on enforcement of antidumping and countervailing duties as well as trade deficits. The first order calls for increased measures to enforce U.S. AD/CVD orders and revenue. The second order calls for a multi-agency report on the effects of the U.S. trade deficit on the economy within 90 days.

The text of the executive orders is available on the White House website here.