What We Do

Industry Contracts

& Services

NAEGA No. 2 Contract

NAEGA PROVIDES A MODEL CONTRACT for FOB (Free on Board) transactions at U.S. and Canadian ports, as well as arbitration and certificate issuance, and labor and operation information.

NAEGA forms

Technical Assistance

NAEGA contract services and information, including model contracts, are available to everyone. Information on grades and inspection services is also available.


Ag Trade and Policy

NAEGA is staffed with experienced professionals who understand the industry and the workings of the U.S. and international governments, enabling them to serve as a valuable resource for government agencies and officials on farm and trade policy issues.

NAEGA regularly engages with multilateral groups on issues related to global grain and oilseed markets, and our members actively engage in dialogue. In a joint public-private sector effort, we work directly with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program (MAP).

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GOMAI Reports

The Grain & Oilseed Market Access Indexes (GOMAI) report is a collaborative effort by the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA) and the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) to document and quantify barriers to U.S. grain and oilseed products in international markets.

Filling a grain cart

Trade Leads

NAEGA is an association of grain and oilseed export companies and cooperatives.

While not a brokerage, NAEGA provides information and connections through trade leads. NAEGA can help by:

trade leads

person working on a laptop

NAEGA Committees


This Committee works on all matters relating to commercial contracts, guidance, and the impact of public policy on trade. Key to the Committee’s work is maintaining the NAEGA No. 2 FOB Contract and other trade practices, including arbitration and regulations.

Grades & Inspections

This Committee focuses on regulatory and commercial practices related to grain quality, plant health, grain safety, and facility safety and security. These issues are often specific to value chains and export and import points. The Committee works closely with national and international technical government authorities worldwide.

Production Technology

This Committee addresses issues that impact trade products derived from transgenic, gene-edited, and other new breeding techniques. It also addresses technologies that are being developed or have been developed for crop protection.