Notice to the Trade

Buyers and Sellers of agricultural commodities pursuant to terms of the NAEGA 2 Model F.O.B. Contract are advised that it is our understanding that circumstances related to the State of Emergency declared on Wednesday, November 17 by the Government of British Columbia, Canada have had an impact on export operations that is ongoing. 

These circumstances may provide for a valid cause under the provisions of Clause 20. Clause 20 provides for the suspension of the seller’s obligation to make delivery when delivery of a commodity, or any part thereof, is prevented at an elevator or port, or the forwarding of the commodity to the elevator or port is prevented by riots, strikes, lockouts, interruptions in or stoppages of the normal course of labor; embargoes or exceptional impediments to transportation; or action by Federal, State or Local government or authority. 

Consideration of certification by NAEGA in accordance with Clause 20 of cause for elevators and / or ports, which includes determination of the beginning and end, will proceed upon receipt of applications from Sellers. 

Gary C. Martin 
President & CEO 


Notice to the Trade


Notice to the Trade