Notice to the Trade
Imports to the European Union (EU) Member States of US soybeans intended to be used for
the production of biofuels and requiring compliance with the EU Renewal Energy Directive
To all concerned,
We are pleased to convey for your use documents intended to support the import of US soybeans to Member States of the EU. Attached you will find:
An “RED Status Letter” dated November 14, 2011, from Ambassador Islam A. Siddiqui of the Office of US Trade Representative and Acting Under Secretary Michael Scuse of the United States Department of Agriculture. The letter explains the US position that, based on the framework of US conservation programs, additional certification (which might include deployment of “schemes” provided for under the RED) is unnecessary.
An “FGIS RED Statement” that FGIS will make available for shipments of US soybeans and other commodities. The FGIS statement indicates that US soybeans are produced in accordance with the framework of US conservation programs. In this regard, we note that USDA APHIS PPQ form 572 provides for Certified Origin of shipments (box 7a).
A letter dated September 22, 2011, from EU DG Lowe to Member State authorities providing important background on the EU intent and current approach and flexibility for RED implementation.
These documents are provided with the recognition that the requirements laid down in the EU Renewable Energy Directive are not intended to disrupt trade in agricultural commodities. Further, the EU foresees negotiating a bilateral agreement with the US regarding compliance with the RED.
As a result, we expect the documents, when accompanying shipments of US soybeans, to be found by EU Member States to support compliance with the EU Renewable Energy Directive.
American Soybean Association
North American Export Grain Association
National Oilseed Processors Association
United Soybean Board
US Soybean Export Council
December 2011