NAEGA No. 2 Contract - Clause by Clause Review

               Clause-by-Clause Review of the NAEGA No. 2 FOB Model Contract (Revised March 30, 2018)                        Recorded September 8, 2021

On Wednesday, September 8, NAEGA held a virtual “public / for all NAEGA members” Contracts & Best Practices Seminar. Over 80 NAEGA member employees attended the 5-hour session, which featured a clause-by-clause review of the NAEGA No. 2 FOB Model Contract (Revised March 30, 2018) by the lead discussant, NAEGA Senior Advisor Sam Bonilla, and assistance from NAEGA President Gary C. Martin, NAEGA Vice President Patrick Hayden and NAEGA Senior Advisor Tom Erickson. The video of that session has been edited and broken into two videos, which are embedded for Member viewing below.  Please do not share these videos with any non-NAEGA member personnel. 

 NAEGA seminars can be conducted in-person and / or virtually. Both in-person private (staff from only one company) and public (staff from two or more companies) are being scheduled in 2022. Given the strong attendance and interest from Members, we expect to hold another public virtual seminar in 2022. Please contact NAEGA staff if you are would like to host a private seminar tailored to your needs!

Video 1 covers Clauses 1-8 of the NAEGA No. 2, and Video 2 covers Clauses 9-20, Addendum 1, and the NAEGA Terms of Use.  The videos have chapters that will link you to the start of discussion for each clause, which you can access by clicking the icon circled in the image below: 

We also recommend that you download the NAEGA Contract Sourcebook for the Seminar, which is available through this link.

Your questions and feedback are welcome!  If you have any questions for NAEGA on the Contract that come up in yout review of the video, or if you have feedback on the presentation, please email them to us at

NAEGA No 2. Clause by Clause Review, Video 1 of 2 – Covers Clauses 1-8

NAEGA No 2. Clause by Clause Review, Video 2 of 2 – Covers Clauses 9-30, Addendum 1 of the Contract and the Terms of Use

Your questions and feedback are welcome!  If you have any questions for NAEGA on the Contract that come up in yout review of the video, or if you have feedback on the presentation, please email them to us at