NAEGA is seeking member input ahead of a meeting with Syngenta on Monday, June 4 regarding their commercialization of “Enogen” Corn.
The biotech corn event 3272 being promulgated by Syngenta and doing business as a product with unique functional characteristics named “Enogen” in corn lacks approval for imports in GRNOS markets. Also 3272 genetic material will do significant harm to the functionality of corn used in several food applications. Syngenta reports that 3272 plantings and use will be expanded beyond its previous closed loop use as an adjunct to ethanol processing to include animal feed. Syngenta has discontinued its stewardship “Advisory Council” and discontinued the reporting website intended to facilitate the effectiveness of the closed loop system which was reported by Syngenta in 2011 as capable of making the probability “very, very low” of the corn that contains 3272 from getting into to the food chain. Syngenta now reports that a “Simple but practical stewardship steps will be required for managing planting, isolation, production reporting, harvesting, storage and transportation” is being made available for use. The North American Millers Association is reporting that Syngenta is currently refusing to provide for important risk assessment and communication. As such the potential is for the presence of 3272 genetic material to have a very significant and damaging impact. Biotrade Status currently indicates that global approvals include:
Australia/New Zealand – Import
Brazil - Food, Feed
Canada - Environmental/Cultivation, Food, Feed
China - Food, Feed, Safety Certificate
Colombia – Food
Indonesia - Food
Japan - Environmental/Import, Food, Feed
Korea - Environmental/Import, Food, Feed
Malaysia - Food, Feed
Mexico - Import Food, Feed
Philippines - Import Food, Feed
Russian Federation Food, Feed
Taiwan Import Food, Feed
United States Environmental/Cultivation, Food, Feed
Ahead of NAEGA’s meeting with Syngenta, we are seeking input on how the commercialization of 3272 “Enogen” Corn is affecting the grain trade. All information will be held business confidential. Please contact Gary or Ryan if you are interested in participating.