On November 27, 2018, The China National Association of the Grains Sector (CNAGS) and COFCO Corporation hosted the first China World Grain Trade Forum in Beijing. The Forum brings together stakeholders in grain supply and use from around the world to advance the need to provide a market and regulatory environment the avoids disruptions and supports the international trade of grain, oilseeds, pulses and derived products. The Forum will provide for an  exchange of information and ideas to maintain and strengthen the capable and effective global trade that provides safe, timely, predictable, responsible, resilient, economic and competitive supply. The Forum is supported by the International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC - www.igtcglobal.org). On November 28, CNAGS and COFCO will also host the 2018 IGTC General Assembly. If you would like to be invited to attend, please contact Katy Lee, IGTC Secretariat: Secretariat@igtcglobal.org.