Gary is back from a successful meeting in Brussels, Belgium with grain trade leaders and IGTC members and corporate stakeholders. While in Brussels, Gary attended the International Grains Council’s 46th Session on December 5th, where he presented before IGC members (to view his presentation please click here). The IGC meetings bring together government representatives and industry stakeholders from around the world. As per the member-endorsed agreement in Buenos Aires in December 2015, the IGTC remains a committed partner at the IGC, providing grain trade updates at Council sessions, conferences and the Market Conditions Committee meetings. In addition, Gary also attended the following meetings and events:
- A European Commission Grains Outlook Seminar on December 4. At the Seminar, the Commission will present its outlook for global grain supply, demand and trade.
- The Coceral Annual Reception co-hosted by the IGTC. Invitees will include all 55 IGC member governments as well as Brussels agri-value chain representatives and officials from the EU institutions.
A trip report for this meeting will be available soon.