Cirsium arvense – Vietnam actions on grain and oilseed imports

Cirsium arvense – Vietnam actions on grain and oilseed imports

Recently, NAEGA and other stakeholders have placed focus on actions by Vietnam related to the presence Cirsium arvense (commonly referred to as Canada Thistle or Creeping Thistle) plant parts in imported grain.  We are investigating several options and input including global outreach and intelligence gathering related to sound science and best commercial and official practice. Communication with U.S. government and stakeholders has been a priority. 

We believe USDA will provide for meeting at 10 AM on Friday Feb. 8 that includes a debrief on the 2nd day of the bilateral between APHIS and VN PPD.   Meanwhile NAEGA is seeking advice from several sources on how address the Veitnam’s actions as well ways to improve the. ability to address non-tariff trade barriers related to measures associated with phytosanitary risk management.